Saturday 16 July 2022

Parental Dilemma

As a parent one always aspires for a child who could fly high. 

Right from the school days parents prod  children to perform better and be achievers in whatever they do. Be it sports or academics or co-curricular activities, every parent want their child to be the best. 

Come the career defining phase, again parents wish from the core of their heart that the child acquires a good professional qualification and secures a high flying career. 

Parents feeling helpless when they witness their child falling by the wayside in the intense rat race, is a common phenomenon. A good professional qualification is considered as the key to fat pay packets which in turn is considered to be the passport for a successful life. 

It is but natural for every parent to aspire for a secure life for their children. 

But as years pass by, parents grow old, and their debilitating health turns the apple cart upside down. 

Children who were fortunate to have secured a high flying career have loads of money but are devoid of time for their parents. 

Support  emanates from the lesser fortunate child, who fell by the way side in the rat race, and could not be a high flyer.

Paradoxical it may sound, but such lesser fortunate children provide the much needed succour to old aged parents in their sunset years.

At such a juncture, fortunate are the parents who were blessed with a lesser fortunate child, and unfortunate are those who have high fliers as their children and are left to the mercy of care givers in their old age.

Strange are the ways of life.
