Saturday 23 September 2023

Life comes full circle

As a child every person waits for the parent to be back home no matter which hour of the night it is. Mostly because, as a child one tends to look upto the parent as a Hero, without whom every childhood story remains incomplete. 

Years pass by and the child grows to be a young adult leading life on  own terms and conditions. Now it is the turn of the parent to look upto the child as a Hero, without whom every parents' story remains incomplete. 

Having a parent who is a workaholic and a social animal at the same time, can be really tough on a child. The world may go to sleep but the child remains wide awake each time the parent returns home late at night. Nagging fears abound in the young mind about something bad happening to the Hero which may turn each childhood story upside down.

Equally tough is life of parent of a  young adult, who over the years has forgotten the special bond that kept the child awake late nights. But as we say life is a great leveller wherein tables get turned and roles reversed. 

Now it's the turn of the parent to keep awake till the child has returned back home safe and sound. 

Monday 24 July 2023

Ironies of life

No matter the travails a person has gone through in life, no matter how lonely one's old age was, no matter how much one longed for being comforted by loved ones in the dark final days of life, beyond life the bereaved do manage to pull out a more presentable image of the otherwise frail and hapless soul whose sufferings were perhaps not known to even the most loved ones. Seemingly a manifestation of our selfish selves and desire to absolve ourselves of having failed to some extent in providing succour to the departed soul when alive. 

No wonder, images of the departed souls,  which adorn walls of our homes, display a trace of bemusement on the face, as they benignly look down on us from the high pedestal we place them beyond their lives. 

Ironies of life.