Friday 16 May 2014

Freedom In Broad Daylight

Had always envied the generation that witnessed the epic freedom struggle and were fortunate to have seen the tricolor going up in the sky on 15th of August 1947. Had always visualised the emotional upheavals of our ancestors who had experienced the mixed feeling of liberated euphoria and partition anxiety. Always had this huge desire to experience something similar or even remotely similar that would change the trajectory of my country for the better. The prayers appear to have been answered today with the unprecedented mandate by the Indian electorate.

Both events are epoch making in their own right and have remarkable parallels.

15.08.1947 saw the successful culmination of a nation coming together against colonialists who had bled the country over a hundred years that had  reduced a vibrant and culturally rich populace into a nation of beggars fighting against each other on religious and caste basis.

16.05.2014 will probably see an end to more than half a decade of rule by one family and its self seeking sycophants who had collectively reduced a talented populace to citizens with tags that were difficult to shed, which in turn fanned  a sense of fear or aggression amongst such a divided population.

15.08.1947 marked the beginning of a new era of swaraj and nation building coupled with post partition horror stories.

16.05.2014 marks a new beginning in Indian polity by way of unprecedented mandate for an alternate party that is yet to shed its divisive image. While the mandate is given in hope of good governance there is an equal apprehension on the status of minorities under the new regime. The onus is now on Narendra Modi and his team to prove the contrary and pursue the single point agenda of development of our nation. It's for him, for his team and in larger sense for each one of us to understand that being Indian is the only religion that will ensure us a better tomorrow.

Its irony is that while we as a nation had witnessed daylight robberies by those in power, the promise for change has also  materialised in broad daylight.
Into such freedom in broad daylight, let my country awake.

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